EOiNA 16 — What the seer sees.
If she were channeling a different level of existence, would she be a snake on a plane? Yeah, that was bad…
If she were channeling a different level of existence, would she be a snake on a plane? Yeah, that was bad…
Who is speaking through Cassie?
based on how she’s speaking, I’d guess an oracle.
The Oracle of Delphi I think.
I believe the myth went she was Python’s (monster not snake) mate who was turned into a human after Apollo killed Python.
The Greek Gods tended to vary between “I was there/heard about it” heroism and absolute dickishness.
This was more of the former.
Often times I Greek myth the snake represents knowledge, understanding, etc. in the myth of Cassandra, depending on the version, she gained her ability of prophecy from a snake licking her ears. There are several similar myths. To that point was also have our own Cassie here doing prophecies. In myth, Cassandra was curses in either 1 of 2 ways. 1: she was cursed so that her prophecies would go unheeded, even in dire situations. 2: she was cursed to only foretell the bad stuff. In both cases her power was great……. whelp something to consider
Meh. I’m waiting to see who else has become reincarnations of various great figures of myth to live again with possibly a better outcome than their tragic ends the first time again.
— The Trickster —
At last a character
Tasked to converse.
In iambic pentameter.
And rhyming verse.
What cryptic fun
We surely will see.
As words will be spun
Almost eloquently.
People seem strange,
Speaking just in prose,
I’d like to change
Persons like those.
Though if everyone spoke,
All just the same.
We’d be most dull folk.
And I’d be to blame.
So forget that remark.
Disregard my idea.
Back to the arc.
The Wotch story here.
I rather think *tetrameter*
Is far a better term for her
Vaticinations; for a Bard has shown
That meter is the spirits’ own.
Mortals, perforce, must still confer,
Though noble, in pentameter.
(Except the humble groundlings, those
Who are constrained to speak in prose.)
Such heightened language separates
The mundanes from their Mythic fates. 7@=e
People people people, what is Cassie most likely short for?
Cassiopeia — because her mother was a big Laurette Spang fan.
(Not really… But it sounds good!)
Cassandra. :p
Cassandra? I don’t believe it.
Idunn? No!
Epimetheus was Prometheus’ brother and dumb as mud, supposedly. His name means ‘afterthought’, while Prometheus is ‘forethought’. Idunn is a Norse Goddess, associated with apples and youth.
More to the point, “Epimetheus’s Bane” has to be talking about the present brought along by his wife — Pandora’s Box. So we’re looking at Pandora’s Box combined with the Golden Apples of Immortality…
Apples are always trouble in mythology.
Well some parts of this prophecy are obvious enough: to free people, memories of the past are needed (turn back time), as previously demonstrated. We know that Anne is literally Chaos incarnate, so this is somehow her fault, with the references to Epimetheus’s Bane and Idunn’s Prize being past events Anne has been involved in, which helped to trigger this. It was born from an attempt to do good, but the cost outweighed the benefits.
The specifics here would take a little research to fill in, but I think that we theoretically have enough information from this page to solve the cause/effect here, given these details.
“…is anyone writing this down?”
Guessing the parts refereeing to loss and solitude refer to the curse not just turning the victims into myths, but seems to fulfill some sort of past regret. Miranda may have regretted isolating herself and focusing on magic so now she is not only a warrior, but a teacher who has had many great students.
And Cassie now ‘knows’ more of what is going on and instead of the one being in the dark or left behind is now the oracle, the one others go to for knowledge. I think, don’t really know what’s Cassie’s full deal. Been a while since so I forgot a lot about her.
Just speculating, and really need more than one and a half data points but it’s great to see the Wotch back.
First Spooder, now Snek!
I’m sorry, but I simply must Pun Hammer you over the whole “snake on a plane” bit.
GOD. D***. IT. How hard is it to stick to an established meter? it would be slightly less annoying if it were just supposed to be rhyming without rhythm, but there’s obviously a pattern to most of it, with the only exception being that f***ing “solitude and loss” bit.
The oracle of delphi. wait, no… the python.