Okay, here’s an old bonus image. The past month has just flown by, I didn’t realize it was the end of August already. Here’s an old bonus for now! I’ll get a new story comic up in 2 weeks.
Okay, here’s an old bonus image. The past month has just flown by, I didn’t realize it was the end of August already. Here’s an old bonus for now! I’ll get a new story comic up in 2 weeks.
Whoa thats a blast from the past.
Kinda hope we get to see some of that demon
I am glad to see you guys back up and posting again. This is still one of my favorite webcomics.
It was my favorite too when it was posting regularly, lets hope it begins to do so again.
Whether they post regularly or irregularly, I have enjoyed it since the early days and will continue to do so.
It’s been four weeks. Is everything OK?
Love the comic. When’s the next one going to be up??
curious to see how the wotch would do with a magic virus. like centaur 19, also was there a big bad with a helmet running around. i have not seen much of him.
>next two weeks
We are in our second month.
See this deadpan look? This is my “I’m so surprised they didn’t upload when they said they would again!” face.
I use it a lot here.
I mean, you’re not wrong… Just, aren’t you afraid it’s going to freeze like that?
Take your time, the comic will come at its own pace. Hope you’re taking care of yourselves during this hectic season!