Christmas 2016 Dec24 by Robin on December 24, 2016 at 11:12 pm Chapter: FillersCharacters: Anne Onymous, Evan/Lilly Onymous, Jason Grey, Robin Ericson So, it’s been a few weeks since we’d posted anything, and Robert got this sketched up. We here at The Wotch hope you have a great holiday season! └ Tags: Christmas
Merry Christmas to all of you at the Wotch and I hope a very Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas. ^_^
Ooh, it’s S[i]anne[/i]ta Claus!
html code for these comments, friend.
Sanneta Claus!
I think it would be interesting for a new year to see an in story permanently regressed Miranda dispensing her wisdom. She is so used to the upper hand that it could be nice to see that struggle.
Merry Christmas
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Anne and Company!
<3 <3 <3
YAY! New comics!
Yay indeed! I’m looking forward to the nextchapter. 🙂