EOiNA: Not Quite an Internal Monologue
And now Freya gets a nice chat goin’ on with Jason. Do you know how difficult it can be to sort comics?
And now Freya gets a nice chat goin’ on with Jason. Do you know how difficult it can be to sort comics?
So when Freya reincarnated, she reincarnated as SONJA …
A sentence in the 3rd panel, 2nd speech bubble of Freya needs another look at. “I chose one so I so pathetic, she was a mere shadow of a person.” I’m figuring it needs to be “I chose one so pathetic,”. Other than that slight error, today’s comic looks good, thanks for the work.
Thanks, now I don’t need to say anything about that.
And Freya believes everyone else in town was also so weak that losing their body was OK too? Someone, had too much Kool-Aid.
She says thar she chose somebody without a real life, not that all the gods did. Maybe she has a problem with that, and maybe she doesn’t.
Didn’t Thor disguise himself as Freya to trick her prospective frost giant husband
Actually, yes , he did. And Loki was female often enough to have at least two kids… even if one was an 8-legged horse.
Yeah but they never made their separate females forms be a whole alter-ego.
Except in the cartion RWBY where team JNPR is made up of charicters based on heroes who cross dressed in the gender tgey disquised themselves as one of whom is based on thor
That has absolutely no bearing on…any of this conversation. Listen kiddo, just because you’re a fan of something doesn’t mean you have to shoehorn it into a conversation.
Well, actually…: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYBjipt_Cr8
If shoehorning in talk about a hyperactive pink haired girl with super streingth and a giant hammer that turns into a grenade launcher is wrong then i dont want to be right
Comic Loki has a permanent female version.
Comic Thor did too though that was Jane Foster who held the mantle till cancer finally killed her male thor goes by Odinson at the moment
Four kids (plus two as a male). But hey, who’s counting …
Freya’s got a good point in that last panel. Might there be a new story springing from the fact that there’s more Sonja in Jason’s head than we thought?
I’m now picturing that leading to Sonja being split off from Jason to be his ACTUAL sister. That’ll be interesting.
El goonush Shiv already did that Ellien was originaly a female form Elliot was stuck in till they were split appart
And the magic Mcguffin that did it just shattered in the current arc and it and Wotch take place in the same universe so thats out
> Wotch take place in the same universe
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.
Well, the Wotch is not part of the EGS multiverse, but EGS has been shown as part of the Wotch multiverse, possibly even an alternate Moperville in the Wotch main universe. In other words, things that happen in EGS might show up in the Wotch but stuff that happens in the Wotch will never show up in EGS.
Ian/Yevette said a while back that his cousin who lives in Mopervilke has told him some crazy stories about living there (plus in the Hunters story when anne when super sayan we see two of the least magicly sensative EGS charicters feel it)
Sorry, that was confirmed as a cross reference years ago, also Robin and Anne have confirmed that no alternate universe in The Wotch contains AU duplicates, EGS AUs are full of AU versions of EGS characters.
It pleases me to see somebody else say that once! Also quoting from the chapter that made me fall in love with it. ^_^
I hope so. I’d really like to see more webcomics dive into stuff like this.
We did see a couple of crossovers with “Misfile” as well.
I’m more talking about feminine alter egos that are extant enough to manifest on the ethereal plane…metaphorically speaking, of course.
Don’t cross out the u or it will be wrong.
A body-snatcher has no call to use the ‘creepy’-card on a shape-shifter.
Where does reincarnation fall under that?
Nowhere, as this isn’t a case of reincarnation, but Hermes’ and Loki’s magical trickery.
In the natural order of things, it also would not apply. Reincarnation requires the soul to enter a new body with its memories of past lives either scrubbed clean or sealed away.
Given the nature of the chaos storm’s magic, it could easily be retroactive reincarnation.
Doesn’t matter. Reincarnation still requires a loss of memory between incarnations. How else would the soul learn?
If Sonja has enough of a life to qualify as an identity then actors must look like exceedingly crowded people from the ethereal plane.
It is NOT creepy! It’s awwwwseome and oddly unique even in the world of transformation based comics I think. XD
And explains so much
Freya starts getting in on Wotch speculation and headcanons now. Which is fine with me, frankly, there’s lotsa fun to discuss.